Peanut Butter Fluff Cupcakes

The day has come where another semester of school is closing and I can finally let out a drawn out sigh in relief at the end of finals. It always happens that instead of winding down the school year tends to accelerate in pace and end with a resounding Bang! I’m sitting back, with a cup of coffee, reveling in the calm after the storm and cannot wait to share all the recipes lying by the wayside. I was able to create a lot the past few weeks, but sadly not document. Now however, with the fuel of rich caffeinated ambrosia, and responsibilities set apart for the time being, I am free to blog away!

pb cup 1

Beginning with another saga in my healthy cupcake endeavor, Peanut butter protein cupcakes with a creamy peanut butter filling and a thick date caramel cashew frosting! These cupcakes were uber decadent in comparison to the previous green tea cupcakes I have posted. The cake is light and buttery and the frosting is so rich and creamy its hard to believe there is no butter or sugar in it!

I served these up at a dinner party two weeks ago with great success! My mother, who NEVER likes anything I make (she really detests stevia) said they were the best thing I have ever made ❤ that alone sealed the deal on this recipe, it was something special. I also managed to sneak a few by some unsuspecting party guests and they could not believe they were healthy! One of the top compliments was the marvelous creamy peanut butter filling!

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Why am I going on so much about these cupcakes?? Because I’m trying to convince you of your NEED to bake them!! I know how you blog followers are 😉 you enjoy the stories and the pretty pictures but may not always be up to the challenge of replicating a recipe. For the sake of all things sweet and sugary, stop the madness and make these cupcakes! You will not be disappointed 😀

Peanut Butter Cupcakes


6tbs (92g) liquid egg whites

1/2C Almond milk

1/4c (60g) unsweetened Applesauce

1tbs melted and cooled coconut oil

Optional dash butter extract


2/3C (80g) Oat flour

1tbs (7g) Coconut flour

1tbs (6g) Powdered peanut butter*

1 scoop +1tbs (40g) Peanut butter whey*

1/2C stevia

2tsp baking pwd

1tsp soda

Method: In two separate bowls thoroughly mix the wet and dry ingredients respectively. Once mixed; add the dry to the wet and whisk till no clumps remain. Pour into 9/10 cupcakes liners and place in the oven. Bake at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Cupcakes will rise and brown on the top. The cupcakes should NOT fall when removed; if they do they did not cook long enough. Set aside to cool.

Peanut butter filling:

¼ package (84g) mori nu silken firm lite tofu*

1tbs+2tsp (9g) Powdered peanut butter*

¼ scoop (8g) Peanut butter whey*

2tbs (33g) Natural creamy Jiff Peanutbutter*

3tbs almond milk

English toffee stevia drops to taste

Method: in a food processor combine all ingredients and pulse till smooth, if not thick enough add 1/8tsp-1/4tsp xantham gum to thicken**Can be overdone! Be careful!**. Once your mixture is to the desired taste and texture you can begin to fill the cupcakes.

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To fill the cupcakes take a knife and make a circular incision on the top, going about ¾ of the way down the cupcake. Pop out the core and fill with filling. Lastly, remove the core of the cupcake from the cupcakes top piece of crust and replace the crust piece over the top of the filling. Repeat with remaining cupcakes.


1/2C (70g) Cashews

6 medjool dates *pitted(92g)

2tbs almond milk

2tbs sf caramel syrup*

¼-1/2C water (enough to cover and soak cashew+dates)

Method: combine all ingredients in a bowl and add water last, until the dates and cashews are just submerged in liquid. Allow 2-8hrs for the liquid to be absorbed. Transfer the mixture to a food processor and process till smooth.

Fill a Ziploc baggie with the mixture, snip a corner (about 1cm of the way up) and now begin to “pipe” the frosting onto the cooled and filled cupcakes ( or just slap it on willy nilly with a spatula. I like to be fancy).

pb cup 2

Tah-Dah! Now it’s time to wow your friends and family with your healthy baking abilities!

Nutrition for each one unfrosted cupcake out of 9: 84 Calories 3g Fat, 8g Carbs, 6.2g Protein

Nutrition for 1/9 of frosting and filling together: 130caloreis 6.2g Fat, 12.4g Carb, 5g Protein

Recipe Notes:

For the powdered peanut butter my favorite flavor wise is bell plantation pb2, but I’m sure texture wise, other brands would substitute fine.

The protein powder I used was metabolic nutrition Peanut butter cookie whey. The flavor of this brand is phenomenal so I would suggest not substituting, but if push comes to shove just try and keep the gram the same for the closest replication.

Do not doubt the tofu in the filling! As opposed to greek yogurt it has no sour taste so works much better in sweet treats. I find this brand in the Asian section unrefrigerated in many different stores. However if you hate the thought of soy you could possibly get away with cottage cheese, or Greek yogurt but I cannot vouch for flavor or texture.

Lastly, my favorite pb to use based on flavor is the jiff natural! Go ahead and swap it with whatever you have on hand but the nutrition may change by a gram or two!

Get Baking People!!!

Green Tea Cupcakes

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Long time no see blogging world! Sorry, I got a little behind on uploading posts and recipes with all that’s been going on. Somehow spring always turns into the most convoluted season in my life. Maybe it has to do with finals, or all the impending due dates for my next collage semester, or it could be the pressure to find a summer job… I’m leaning towards a combination of all three plus multiple other to-do’s XD I think you get the picture lol I have been a little crazy. Thankfully things are starting to fall into place and that rampant feeling of fight or flight is being replaced by a calm sense of peace. I give all the credit to the good lord for following through and answering my prayers. He must of just been shaking his head up in heaven watching me put myself through such unnecessary turmoil, after all, he’s the man making the plans!!

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This Sunday I managed to escape to my happy place again and thankfully the baking gift accompanied me! I turned out these beautiful Matcha green tea cupcakes with a delicate airy crumb and sweet vanilla essence with surprising ease! The recipe is simple and you probably have most ingredients on hand! I literally could not believe how “cupcake like” these babies turned out! Especially when topped off with a healthy dollop of buttercream frosting ( or should I saw cashew frosting?! An AMAZING substitution!) Top it with sprinkles and I bet my bottom dollar any child would be BEGGING for a bite! I know I would especially because they are green and who doesn’t love fun colored food? They even pack a sneaky punch of kale adding lots of nutrition to your normally empty cupcake. The recipe makes 10 cupcakes and enough frosting for the whole batch. I even decided to fill some with a homemade raspberry chia jam!

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Thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoy this delightfully spring tinged recipe!

                                                                                   Green Tea Cupcakes

1/2c stevia
2tsp baking pwd
1tsp soda
1 heaping tsp matcha powder
1 heaping tsp kale powder
2tbs (14g) coconut flour
1/2c (80g) oat flour
1 scoop (40g) vanilla protein powder

Cake batter emulsion extract 1 drop
1/4tsp Dash butter extract
1/4c (57g) applesauce 57g
6tbs (92g) egg whites
1/2c almond milk

Mix all dry ingredients and wet ingredients in separate bowls. Pour dry into wet and mix well. Pour batter into 10 cupcake liners.

Bake at 350 for 15-20min, or until tops have risen and browned

1/2c (70g) cashews
1/4-1/2c water
2-4tbs sf vanilla syrup

Soak cashews inside a food processor with just enough water to cover them for 10-20hrs (liquid should be practically gone) add 2-4tbs sf vanilla syrup and process till smooth.

**Optional filling**
Raspberry filling
1tbs chia seeds
1/2c fresh raspberries
Dash lemon juice
Stevia to taste

Mash/blitz all ingredient together and allow to sit until the chia seeds have absorbed the liquid.
Fill and frost cooled cupcakes

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Nutrition for 1 cupcake:108 calories 4.7g Fat, 9.4g Carb, 7g Protein

Peanut Butter Banana Loaf

Since I have failed a collective 3 times in a row at attempting a new banana inspired recipe I figured it was time to surrender and retreat back to an old but faithful banana bread recipe XD. If I could wave a white flag via text on a screen I would haha, this weekend has been anything BUT baking success. Practice makes perfect right?? I’ll just have to keep baking along until triumph strikes once more in Jordan’s kitchen!

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( I topped my slice with peanut butter, chocolate chips and a scoop of vanilla maple arctic zero!)

Healthy peanut butter banana loaf

170g (1 medium) ripe Banana

2tbs (20g) oat bran

1tsp (5g) ground phylum seed husk

1/2 a whole egg

6tbs (92g) egg whites

4tbs (24g) pb2

1tbs almond milk

1/4c granulated stevia or monk fruit

1/4c (30g) garbanzo bean flour*

1/2tsp cinnamon

1/4tsp cloves

1/8tsp nutmeg

1/2tsp vanilla extract

1/4tsp baking powder

1/2tsp baking soda


Directions: blitz all ingredients together in a food processor/blender and pour into a well-greased baking vessel of choice, I used a loaf pan but the batter is a tad small for that so it will not come out looking like a huge loaf. Bake at 350deg F for 20-25min or until toothpick inserted comes out clean. Share with friends or eat the whole thing alone in a locked room. Makes 4 servings.

Nutrition per ¼ of loaf: 132 calories, 6.6g Protein, 2.2g Fat, 21.7g Carb

**Recipe Notes: Unfortunately you cannot really substitute the flour in this recipe. Garbanzo bean flour is very particular.

Also chocolate chips or chopped nuts would be an awesome addition to this recipe!!


On the days where life seems unfair and overcast I find it best to immerse yourself in whatever makes you happy. For me that means two things: Working my worries away at the gym and losing track of time in the kitchen. Whenever things seem out of control I can always count on the steady feel of weights in my hands and the thrumming pace of a whisk through batter. The feeling of relaxation that passes through me is quite literally like a drug. These things center me, grounding me in a spinning life. No matter how crazy or hopeless I feel I can count on them to remain constant.

Today I retreated to both of my sanctuaries to escape the pressure of dark news. Unfortunately I can only share the fruits of my kitchen labor as I can’t invite you to the gym with me! (Well I can but transportation would be an issue haha). I decided to channel my anxious energies into creating a tiramisu inspired cake. I wanted it to be light and moist, dripping with cream just like the original. What evolved from my experiments was not quite tiramisu but yet satisfied the same craving! The cake was dense and moist with a delightful vanilla flavor and the caramel coffee sauce soaked succulently through each bite! Not to mention a serving is only 150cals and packs 17g Protein!!I was surprised in the most delicious way and will definitely be adding this to my nightly snack! I hope you enjoy this cake baked straight out of my happy place ❤

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(or tres-leches/tiramisu crossover )

Sponge cake:

(3-4C) 400g cauliflower

1/2c Granulated stevia

2 scoops (84g) vanilla lean body for her protein*

2tsp vanilla ext

2tsp butter ext

1tsp cake and cookie bakery emulsion

¼ C+1tbs (40g) kamut flour*

6tbs (92g) egg whites

2tsp baking powder

1tsp baking soda

2tbs water

Method: Soften the cauliflower by sprinkling with water and microwaving till soft. About 1-1:30min. Combine all ingredients in a food processor (if yours is too small, process in two batches) and process till smooth. Pour into a well-greased 8×8 baking dish lined with parchment paper and bake for 20-25min. Remove and let cool.

Vanilla Cream:

¾ package (252g) mori nu silken lite tofu*

3tbs sugar free vanilla syrup*

½ Scoop (22g) vanilla lean body for her protein*

1tsp vanilla extract

1-2tsp xanthan gum

Method: In a blender or food processor combine all ingredients except the xanthan gum. Once smooth, add small amounts of xanthan gum until the mixture thickens. Set aside.

Coffee soaking sauce:

2tbs Brewed coffee

2tbs Walden Farms pancake syrup*(or regular maple syrup)

2tsp cinnamon

1tsp flavored coffee grinds ( I use the inside of a Keurig cup)

Method: Whisk ingredients together in a small bowl. Set aside.


Once the cake has completely cooled, slice evenly through the center horizontally until you have two thin sheets of cake.

Take one sheet and lay it in the bottom of an 8×8 baking dish.

Brush the cake layer with half of the coffee soaking sauce. Allow to soak into the sponge for 1-2min.

Spread half of the vanilla cream evenly on top of bottom cake layer.

Repeat with the second cake layer, ending on the vanilla cream.

*Optional topping of more coffee grinds and 1tbs (14g) coco nibs*

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(Store in refrigerator, serves 6)

Nutrition for 1/6 of recipe including coco nibs: 152 Calories, 3g Fat, 14.2g Carb, 17g Protein

**Recipe Notes:

Any suggested substitutions will change the nutrition info!!

As usual feel free to substitute your own vanilla protein gram per gram

For the “vanilla cream” there are a multitude of options! I choose the tofu for the nutrition (1g fat, 5g Protein and 1g Carb per 84g) but you could also substitute: Greek yogurt, Ricotta cheese, or cottage cheese. The amount of sweetener and xanthan gum may need to be adjusted, trust your taste buds!

Kamut flour can be substituted with whole wheat flour, oat flour or any other mild light flour, again I choose this ingredients for the better nutrition profile.

Questions??? Feel free to comment!!!

Lemon Cookie Bars

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Spring is slowly creeping across north Texas and no matter how hard I try, I cannot keep a slight warmth from flickering around my heart at its aproach. Not that I do not like spring; Its just that in the past the season has always meant school years dragging out and the encroaching unbearable heat. However, there is a part of me that cannot resist the pale pastel colors, the flowery air of a changing season and the sweet twinkle of sunshine beginning to poke through . Maybe I’m catching “spring fever” or maybe it’s just a cold brought on by allergies. Either way I found myself in the kitchen, whisk in hand, creating a recipe born straight out of spring. Lemon cookie bars. They capture the mellow happy sunshine of a spring day and all the bright sweet citrus flavors announcing summer is on the way in one crumbly bite!

Each bite promises a prominent bite of lemon balanced by the soft vanilla of a sugar cookie crust. With only around 90 calories a slice and 5g of protein theses make the perfect afternoon snack or party dessert.

Lemon Cookie Bars

1/4c 1.5tbs (45g) kamut flour*

2tbs stevia

2tbs (14g)1/2 scoop quest pro pwd*

2tbs (14g) coconut flour

1tbs (14g) coconut oil

3tbs (50g) applesauce

1/2tsp butter extract

Method: Cut together all ingredients till a fine crumb is achieved.

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Line and grease a 9×9 cake pan and press the “crust” into the pan, covering the bottom in an even layer. Broil in the oven for 2-3min until lightly browned.

Set aside to cool.


2 eggs

3tbs (46g) eggwhites

3tbs lemon juice

3tbs lemon zest (4-5 lemons)

1.5tbs (15g) kamut flour*

1/2c granulated stevia

2tbs (14g) 1/2 scoop vanilla quest powder*

Method: In a small bowl whisk all ingredients together. Pour filling over the cooled crust and bake in the oven at 350deg for 20min or until filling is set.

Remove from oven; let cool, slice into 8squares and dust with more protein powder

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Nutrition per 1/8 of recipe: 89 calories, 3.4g Fat, 7.8g Carb, 6g Protein

**Recipe Notes:

The flavor of the quest protein powder really makes this recipe! However if unavailable sub any other vanilla protein for the same grams.

The best substitutions for kamut flour would be oat flour, or a whole wheat.

I cannot vouch for the flavor or nutrition with these substitutions

Monster Cookie Mugcake

mosnter cookie mugcake

Here’s a quick easy lil snack I used to fuel my a.m. workout today! It is reminiscent of a childhood favorite: monster cookies! Those buttery, chewy mish mash cookies always had me grabbing for 1, 2,….14… who was counting?? ( dead serious here my record was 14 monster cookies. No regrets.) XD Now I have a teensy bit more self-control and can settle for ONE of these healthy mugcakes without having to bake an entire tempting batch cupcakes or cookies! The beauty of this recipe is that it’s totally up to you; customize it with your favorite add-ins and get creative! Oh and don’t forget to top it with the most adorable raspberry you can find because the cuter the food the better it tastes. 😉 What is the snack you always find yourself reaching for??

Monster Cookie Mugcake


1/4c (25g) (half packet) maple multigrain muffin (bakery on main brand)*

1tbs (7g) lilys dark chocolate chips (or regular dark chocolate chips)

1tbs (7g) goji berries ( or dried fruit of choice!)

2tbs (45g) RIPE banana

3tbs (46g) egg whites

1tbs (6g) chocolate pb2

2-3tsp bold coffee (more if needed)

*anything else you want*


Mash/mix everything together inside a greased mug and microwave for 1min 20sec, comes out moist and dense. *Optional; top with more pb2 reconstituted with coffee as pictured.

Recipe Notes:

*If you do not have the bakery on main brand of instant oats any other cinnamon/maple oats will suffice.

Nutrition for 1 cake: 212calories 12g protein, 4g fat, 32g Carb

My Go-to Brownie Recipe

Some day’s life seems to fly by in a multicolored whirlwind of if, thans, buts, whys, and it’s all you can do too just remember to breathe. Your mind is one big convoluted ache and all you want is for a moment of peace and clarity. I am having one of those days. Everything seems overwhelming and complicated. Luckily in the midst of such chaos and confusion I can fall gratefully back into the warm chocolately arms of my favorite stand by; brownies. Not just any brownies mind you, gluten free sugar free healthy brownies that do not taste like cardboard and are actually fudgy in texture. The moist bready texture of these consistently blows me away, it is as if I am biting into a chocolate bar/bread hybrid which in essence is I guess what a brownie should be haha! The chocolate flavor is spot on and I find myself munching through multiple batches every week! Its days like these were I am grateful for a no-nonsense to the point recipe. There is something grounding about the fact that I can trust in this recipe to always turn out right. Even if my life is spinning out of control at least I can bake up a perfect batch of brownies.

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Oat Daddies


1/4c (40g) Oat flour

4tbs (20g) coco powder

1/4c Granulated stevia

1/2tsp baking powder

6tbs (92g) egg whites

3tbs (40g) unsweetened applesauce

2tbs almond milk

2tbs liquid sweetener*

Method: Combine all ingredients in a bowl making sure there are no hidden clumps of flour and nothing left unmixed on the bottom of the bowl. Pour the mixture into the bottom of a loaf pan, two 4×4 ramekins or any well-greased dish your heart desires. Bake at 350deg F for 20-25min. Makes 4 small servings 2 large or one ginormous brownie. Your choice.

Nutrition for ¼ of recipe: 71 calories, 1.3g fat, 12g carb,4.5g protein

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(In this photo I made peppermint brownies by adding peppermint extract and topped with a quick greek yogurt peppermint frosting)

*Recipe Notes:

I always use jordan’s skinny syrup brand liquid sweetener in varying flavors of caramel, chocolate, mocha etc… If you do not have these a great substitute could be maple syrup or off brand sf coffee syrups found at most grocery stores. These are a great purchase and really add flavor when baking!

*Recipe variations:*

Peppermint brownies= add 1/2tsp peppermint extract

Coffee brownies= sub 2tbs brewed coffee for almond milk and add 2tsp coffee grinds

spiced brownies= add 1tsp cinnamon, 1/2tsp cloves and 1/8tsp nutmeg

Ferrero Rocher Layer Cake

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Some weeks the urge to bake exciting new creations lies dormant inside me. Almost like a sleeping dragon resting between flights preparing for a new and enticing adventure! I awoke today refreshed from my baking fast with an itching tingle in my fingertips to mix up a bowl of flour and sugar. The Dormant beast inside me unfurled its wings and smiled wide with satisfaction; inhaling the possibilities!

I prepared to tackle a tricky concept; a vision I had been tossing around for quite some time: Ferrero Rocher inspired layer cake. Healthified.  I went at the challenge with gusto! Surprising even myself with the astounding outcome. A crowning jewel amongst baked goods; all hail the healthy chocolate cake that does not taste healthy. It is rich it, is spongy and the fillings are crunchy caramel layers contrasted by a smooth dreamy mousse. Go ahead and allow a slice to sweep you away to indulgent chocolate bliss.

There is no butter, no refined white sugar and no refined white flour in this cake. It even packs a punch of protein and healthy fats! I have been saving a slice each night for a post-dinner snack and it is becoming the highlight of my evening haha! Do not let the recipe daunt you; I know it looks long but in reality it is simply three steps coming together to form one indulgent creation!

Ferrero Rocher Layer Cake


1/4c (30g) spelt flour

1/4c (30g) oat flour

4tbs (20g) coco powder

1tsp baking soda

1tsp baking powde

r 1/3c granulated stevia

1tsp instant coffee

2tbs (24g) applesauce

1tbs (15g) melted and cooled coconut oil

6tbs (92g) egg whites

2tbs brewed coffee

1/2tsp chocolate extract

1/3c sf chocolate espresso syrup*

Combine all dry ingredients in a small bowl. Set aside. Combine all wet ingredients in a separate bowl. Pour dry into wet and mix well until no clumps remain. Pour Into a greased loaf pan lined with parchment paper. Bake at 350deg until the top is risen and cracked (20-25min) Remove from oven and let cool.

Caramel crunch filling:

1/4c (28g) almonds finely chopped

2 dates (25g) finely chopped

1tbs walden farms caramel syrup*

In a small bowl toss the almonds and date pieces with the caramel sauce. You should end up with a fine crumbly paste. ( try your best when chopping up the dates, I know they are sticky and uncooperative)

Chocolate Mousse:

1c (227g) nonfat plain Greek yogurt ( I recommend fage brand or siggis)

2tbs (12g) chocolate pb2

1tbs (5g) coco powder

2tbs (10g) chocolate protein powder ( I used Nfsports Belgium chocolate, feel free to substitute your own brand)

9tbs (40g) fat free whipped cream

Stevia drops to taste

1-2tbs walden farms chocolate syrup*

Whip all ingredients together in a small bowl with a whisk and spatula; scraping the sides well to incorporate all ingredients.


Take the cooled cake and carefully slice all the way through the middle lengthwise with a bread knife until you have 2 sheets of chocolate cake. Now cut each in half until you have four pieces of cake roughly the same size. Begin to layer all four cake slices from bottom to top: cake, almond date filling, cake, chocolate mousse, cake, almond date filling, cake. Frost the tier completely with remaining mousse. Place in freezer for 1-2hrs to firm up. Drizzle with melted amberlyn dark chocolate raspberry drizzle.

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Serves 5. 1 piece= 228cals 7.3f 28.6c 12.2p

This cake holds best under refrigeration ☺

*Recipe Notes:

I used Jordan’s skinny syrup brand chocolate espresso flavor of calorie free flavored syrups; the best replacement for this would be a sf mocha or chocolate syrup from an off brand or possible extra coffee with extra chocolate stevia drops.

The walden farms used in this recipe can easily be substituted. For the caramel in the date paste you could use: molasses, honey, maple syrup, agave, real caramel etc…

For the chocolate mousse you could use extra chocolate stevia and a dash more coco powder, actual chocolate syrup, possibly chocolate nut butter or omit completely if it is sweet enough.

Cinnamon Apple Crunch Zuchini Bread

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The moment when you pull something out of the oven and your nose is assailed by an intoxicating aroma of cinnamon and nutmeg is a proud moment for any baker. Your eyes light up as an unstoppable smile begins to tickle your features. Success is a sweet, sweet smell; a perfume of apples and brown sugar. The aroma surrounds a dark crusty loaf hiding a tender center within. This is what I proudly carried from the warm embrace of the oven; a shining spice laden success brimming with nutty pleasure!

The bread is rich and dark with a touch of sweetness. Reminiscent of simple homemade breakfast breads cooked up by loving grandmas ❤ Slice into it to reveal a moist fluffy center studded with warm crunchy almonds, c’est la vie! Tres Bon! Ahh it is simply good. Filling and rich it satisfies deep down to the soul ❤

Cinnamon Apple Crunch Zucchini Bread

½ C (56g) Flap jacked protein pancake cinnamon apple mix*

½ C (60g) Spelt flour

½ C Granulated stevia

1tsp baking soda

1tsp baking powder

1tbs (7g) Flaxseed meal

1tsp ground cinnamon

¼ tsp cloves

¼ tsp nutmeg

2C (around 280g) shredded zucchini

¼ C (50g) unsweetened apple sauce

1tbs (15g) blackstrap molasses

3tbs (46g) liquid egg whites

1 whole egg

½ tsp maple extract

½ tsp butter extract

¼ C (28g) almonds, chopped

Optional chopped apple chunks

Method: Combine all dry ingredients, excluding the almonds, in a large bowl making sure everything is well incorporated. Set aside. In a separate bowl combine all wet ingredients including the zucchini, and mix until incorporated. Pour the dry mixture into the wet and mix well. Finally fold in the almonds and optional apple chunks until well dispersed.

Pour the mixture into a well-greased loaf pan and bake at 350deg for 35-45min. You want the center of the bread to thoroughly cook before removing; once the top has risen and begins to crack its ready! Remove from the oven and let cool 1-2 minute before transferring the loaf out of the pan and onto a cooling rack.

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Recipe makes 8 generous slices coming in at; 104calories, 3.2g fat, 14.1g carb and 5.6g protein per slice

*Recipe Notes:

I used the flap jacked pancake blend which adds an extra dose of cinnamon spice and protein! You could possibly sub ½ C (56g) of another pancake mix however I have not tried this and the nutrition info will greatly change as Flap Jacked is a brand focused on making healthier pancake mixes.

You can find out more about this brand here>

I found my bag at sprouts farmers market.

Berry Amaretto Torte

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It has been far too long since my last post on Strongsteady. I let myself be swept up in the rituals of life. Preoccupied with the here and now and not taking the time to sit down and write. I hope you can forgive me for the lack of discipline the past few weeks. Sometimes life just moves to fast for my own good! I am going to try and remedy this, especially since I really enjoy creating lasting tangible moments through writing. Unlike my other hobby Instagram, this blog is more solid and layered. The posts are not fleeting blips in a feed they are lasting records of my culinary and spiritual exploits.

I am just now getting into the swing of my new schedule and have slowly seen a rise in the amount of moments I have to myself where I am not running around like a headless chicken. Today was one of those days. I managed to snag an hour in the kitchen alone and unhindered to roll up my sleeves and pour out some thoughts. I was rewarded with a fluffy sponge cake layered with tart strawberry jam and amaretto whip cream; a lite airy gift to bring spring rolling quickly in over the chill of winter. Now I know many of you are knee deep in snow at the moment but no I have not lost my marbles; it is a balmy 70 deg in North Texas right now so I believe I have the right to make a strawberry torte! Hopefully this refreshing dessert will banish the blizzard from the east coast!

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Berry Amaretto Torte

Vanilla sponge layer:

260g Cauliflower (roughly half a head)

14c (30g) coconut flour

2scoops (80g) vanilla lean body for her protein *

1/4c granulated Stevia

1.5tsp Baking powder

1tsp Baking soda

1/3c almond milk

1tsp butter extract

1tsp vanilla extract

1/8tsp bakery emulsion

6tbs (92g) liquid egg whites

Method: first break the cauliflower into bite sized chunks, place on a paper plate and sprinkle with water. Microwave for 1-2min or until tender. Once the cauliflower florets are tender place them inside a food processor with all wet ingredients and process till smooth. In a separate bowl combine all dry ingredients and whisk together. Pour the wet mixture into the dry mixture and mix until well incorporated. Pour into a well-greased 8×8 baking pan lined with parchment paper and Bake at 350 deg F for 25 min or until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean.

Set aside.

While the cake is cooling assemble the amaretto cream and tart berry filling.

Amaretto cream:

2 portions (168g or ½ of package) mori nu silken lite firm tofu

½ scoop (20g) Lean body for her vanilla protein*

½ teaspoon almond extract

½ tsp vanilla extract

1teaspoon stevia drops

Combine all ingredients in a food processor and blend till smooth. Pour into a bowl and set aside.

Tart berry filling:

½ c berries of choice ( I used ¼ c strawberries and ¼ c raspberries )

2tsp lemon juice

2-5 drops liquid stevia (dependent on sweetness of fruit)

1tbs walden farms blueberry syrup*

2tsp chia seeds

Combine all ingredients in a food processor and process till smooth. (you can also just mash together the ingredients but a food processor simplifies the process and ensures a smooth jam)

And finally; the assembly!

When the sponge layer has completely cooled take a bread knife and carefully slice the vanilla sponge through the middle hamburger bun style until you have two even halves. Remove the top half and begin spreading the berry filling over the freshly sliced cake. Once you have spread an even layer of jam across the cake, begin adding the amaretto cream layer. Cover the entire jam layer being careful not to mix layers or squish jam over the edge of the cake. Once you have successfully layered the fillings place the second half of the sponge cake on top and finish by frosting the top of the torte with the remaining amaretto cream. Garnish with fresh fruits

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

Macros For sponge cake and completed cake:

For ¼ of sponge cake: 156 cals 13c 18p 3.6f

For ¼ of completed cake: 110cals 8.7c 12.7p 2.7f

(Please Note that changing ingredients such as protein powder or tofu brand will change the nutrition information)

*Recipe Notes:

The sponge layer is a very versatile low-carb protein cake! Feel free to experiment with different ways to prepare it besides this berry torte recipe.

I used Jamie Eason lean body for her brand vanilla protein which performs extremely well when baked. However feel free to substitute any vanilla protein just be sure to use the same gram ratio.

The Walden farms blueberry syrup just adds a smidge more flavor and sweetness to the jam filling; if you do not have this ingredient don’t freak out; you can omit it just fine! Make sure to adjust the sweetness to your preference because it will be affected without the addition of the syrup.